Structure of Cells

Structure of Cells
The structure of cells can be examined by looking to the organelles.When organelles come together, they form cells.Structure of a cell is given below with explanation how organelles are effective in these structures:

Cells are complex and highly organized.With every organelle working together they form a complex structure.Cell can also defined as an organelle group.Every organelle do their job so there is a system for cell.

Organelle: Every organelle


Cells contain a genetic blueprint and machinery to use it.This genetic blueprint is important in structural form of cell.By the help of chromosomes or "blueprints", it can form a new cell.The cell membrane, organelles etc. are produced by looking to the control center of cell, nucleus.Blueprints are stored in nucleus and it is a "must" for cells life.

Organelle: Nucleus/Nucleolus


Cells acquire and utilize energy.Cell can acquire energy by the help of plasma membrane.Because of the permeable membrane,it gots material and broke down it to form ATP so it is able to gain energy.By the help of this permeable the cell can done many of its mechanical activity.Also enery supplier of the cell is mitochondrion.It looks like a bacteria when it is examined.Endosymbiotic theory is an explanation for mitochondrion(possibly some other organelles too).

Organelle: Mitochondrion 


Cells arise from the division of other cells.Cells divise themselves when they are fully grown.Because of the duplication of chrosomose, they do not differ from each other.Generally (exception for cell diseases) cells are similar to each other both funcional and structural.For example many of the cells is dividing themselves to create a similar unit to keep their mission.

Organelle: Before division chrosomes,while dividing all cell
